Sunday, March 20, 2011

beauty and the seaweed

Due to the recent Japan's massive earthquake, tsunami, and over-heating nuclear reactor ... people all over the world are requesting for potassium iodide to protect against radiation, yes, even when they are like 10,000 km away from Japan ... anyway, I learnt that the natural alternative is to eat SEAWEED !
So when I stumbled across this seaweed potato chips in the asian store, I just have to buy it ... it has that hint of seaweed, and with the salt combination, it actually gives that light taste ... well, I guess one bag not enough to provide the required dosage against radiation hehehe

Calories Peek: Guess what ? ONLY 450 calories per bag ... well, it is a small tiny bag :p

My beauty excuse: Do you know the organic iodine found in seaweeds not only protect you from radiation, it can increase your metabolism ... and it is packed with so much vitamins and minerals that are essential in maintaining healthy and beautiful youthful skin ! ... no wonder spa always has the seaweed wrap, seaweed facial ... OK, need to go get the actual seaweeds now !

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