Monday, March 14, 2011

jalapeno potato chips

Went to Safeway today and saw that all the "Jalapeno" potato chips are on member's offer (coincidence? doubt it :p too much competition nowadays) ... well, I ended up buying all the three different brands, and actually having a blast eating them ...

Kettle's - thickest and crunchiest among the three ... not hot at all, just a good blend of seasoning which gives a tasty munch  ...

Lay's - thinnest and crispiest ... easiest to munch on ... this one is more salty (than hot) i would say ...

Tim's - hottest bite ! now that's what jalapeno flavor should taste like ... definitely my favorite munch ;) ...

Calories Peek
Kettle's - 1350 calories per bag (720 calories from fats)
Lay's - 1260 calories per bag (630 calories from fats)
Tim's - 1120 calories per bag (640 calories from fats)

OMG ! 3730 calories in just one hour after finished three bags of potato chipes ... now I know why company always put calories per servings only *CHEATERS*

My beauty excuse: ... still thinking ... 

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